The last two decades have been very eventful for a resurgent and strong India, playing an influencing role in the world economy. The rise of the IT and services sector have led to an...
Category - Career Guidance – Professionals
Auditioning for leadership
Years ago, there was an unprecedented response to one of our walk-in advert-isements for market-ing executives. To short list candidates, we decided on a group discussion (GD). Within...
Set targets, create opportunities
Years ago, a young and shy boy called Shrikanth, who was just out of manage-ment college, sat in front of me. He was facing the first interview of his life for a marketing job. I made...
Smart time management: Key to success
Do you find yourself running after deadlines, targets, and asking for extensions or finishing tasks, at the last minute? Are you generally late for your meetings? Are you compelled to work...
Importance of Humour at Work
‘God likes jokes’, how about your boss? – The concept of humour in management is one of the least researched and written about aspect These are difficult times for businesses. It is...
Importance of Body Language
Of ‘unspoken languages’ & successful sales career – Whether someone is a successful sales person or not, is generally reflected on the face and in his body language. A bright, cheerful...